Here are some projects I've worked on. For the full list, look at my personal site.

Affirmations App Icon

Affirmations - Care Reminders

A self-care app that delivers compliments and positive reminders in a number of different ways.

Femto Editor App Icon

Femto Editor

A lightweight plaintext and Markdown editor for iOS and iPadOS.

Dot Music Player App Icon

Dot Music Player

An Apple Music client for iOS and iPadOS.

Menu Bar Splitter App Icon

Menu Bar Splitter

A macOS utility that adds dividers to your menu bar.

Dark Mode Wallpaper Switcher App Icon

Dark Mode Wallpaper Switcher

A macOS utility that changes your wallpaper to match your system appearance.

REDCap Logo

REDCap To Google Sheets

My senior design project - an interface for transferring REDCap data to and from Google Sheets.